
Update:July 26, 2022

Effective:July 26, 2022

Guangzhou XAG Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "XAG", including its subsidiaries, affiliates, etc.) is a limited liability company established pursuant to the laws of the People's Republic of China. We take the privacy and personal information protection of our users (hereinafter referred to as "you") very seriously. When you use our products/services, we may collect, use, store and share your information. We wish to use our Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") to explain to you how we collect, store, use or share your relevant information, and how we provide you with access to, update, control and protect your relevant information.

The Privacy Policy will help you understand the following:

1、How do we collect and use your Personal Information

2、How do we protect and store your personal information

3、How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

4、Users' rights

5、On the protection of minors' personal information

6、Scope of application and applicable exceptions

7、Notices and Amendments

8、How to contact us

9、Our service tenet

Please read carefully before using our product/service and make sure you have fully understand the whole content of this privacy policy, To use or to continue using our products/services after we update this privacy policy will be seen as you agree to this privacy policy, and agree in accordance with this privacy policy we collect, use, save and share your information.

I. How do we collect and use your Personal Information

Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information.

When we provide the service or when the application is running in the background, we may collect, store and use the following information relevant to you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register or use some of our products or services, or to achieve the results intended by the products or services.

1.Source of information

1.1 The information you provide to XAG in the course of registering an account or through the use of XAG products/services includes: name, telephone number, email address, communication address, meteorological data (including sensor data, equipment data, control data, which is required when you request XAG to provide after-sales service), image data (including environmental video data, equipment data, control data, to be used when you ask XAG to provide after-sales service), agricultural machinery and tools data (to be used when using XAG products), etc.

1.2 Information read or stored by the system when you register an account or use our products/services is included: your location, log records of product use, configuration information of your electronic equipment, equipment data, meteorological data, agricultural machinery and tools data, IP address, IMEI, IMSI, ANDRO ID, software installation list, MAC address, time information, geographical environment and location information, etc.; It is required when you use XAG products or offer after-sales service.

1.3 Your information may contain personally sensitive information. Personal sensitive information refers to personal information that, once disclosed, illegally provided or abused, may endanger personal and property safety, easily cause damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment. The personal sensitive information involved in this Privacy Policy includes: network identity information (including your device serial number); other information (including your mobile phone number). When you use our products or services, you may upload or publish sensitive personal information through public channels. Please handle this sensitive information with care.

2.Use of information

2.1 Circumstances in which you must authorize us to collect and use your personal information

We may collect, save and use the following information relating to you to implement the core functions of our products/services. If you do not provide the relevant information, you will not be able to enjoy our products/services. These features include:

2.1.1 To use our product/service function to realize the basic operation Registration and login

You agree to and click confirm "customer service agreement", "XAG privacy policy" and complete the registration process after officially became a user of the APP. Because of the particularity of the product/service, you must complete the user registration and the real-name authentication for a product/service after all, can realize the basic operations.

We will obtain your account information from a third party according to your authorization, and bind it to your XAG account, so that you can directly log in through the third party account, use our products/services, and exchange rights and interests between the actual accounts. We will use your relevant information within the scope of your authorization and consent as agreed with third parties. Buy products/services

When you purchase our products/services according to your own needs, the purchase record will indicate the product/service you purchased and the amount to be paid. The above information will be used as proof of the transaction with you to verify your identity, confirm the transaction, and pay the settlement. We also based on this to provide you with purchase record inquiry, customer service consultation, after-sales service.

When you purchase products/services, you can pay through the third-party payment institutions that we cooperate with. We need to share your transaction information with these payment agencies to enable your payment and confirm that your payment has been made. We will share your account name, payment information, transaction security related equipment information and other necessary information required by anti-money laundering laws with third-party payment platform companies through the third-party payment platform software Development Kit (SDK) embedded in the application. If you choose another financial institution to provide payment services for you, we also need to share the necessary information of your bank card payment, including the bank card number and expiry date, with the corresponding financial institution of your choice. Customer service consultation and after-sales service

We will use your account information and purchase record when responding to your enquiries and processing your after sales requests. To ensure the security of your transaction, the customer service system or customer service personnel will use your account information to verify your identity and order information, and collect, change and store your personal information or part of the order information when you propose to change it. We may also use your other information as a reasonable need to ensure and improve our services. When you make or receive our customer service calls in the course of your order fulfillment, your calls may be recorded. When disputes arise, we can access and use the recorded information as a reference to resolve the dispute. We will ensure the privacy and security of both parties.

2.2 You may choose whether to authorize us to collect and use your personal information, including: geographical location, photo taking function, picture uploading function, etc.

2.3 We do not need to ask for your authorization to collect and use personal information under the following circumstances:

1)Those related to state security or national defence security;

2)Those related to public security, public health or major public interests;

3)Those related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

4)For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals, but it is difficult to get consent from the person;

5)The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by the subject of personal information;

6)Collect your personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

7)It is necessary to sign and perform the contract according to your requirements;

8)Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as finding and handling the faults of the products and/or services;

9)Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

II. How do we protect and store your personal information

1. In principle, all your personal information will be stored in the People's Republic of China. Your information will be stored and protected no matter how it is provided to Us. We have established an information security control system to prevent your information from being used, accessed, modified, copied, damaged, leaked, lost or stolen by others.

2. In order to store and protect your relevant information, we adopt a variety of physical or electronic means of confidentiality and strict confidentiality procedures. For example, strictly restrict the access of personnel to information processing and storage areas, restrict the establishment of personnel to release information confidentiality, use passwords, identification codes, standby passwords, firewalls and information transmission encryption, file cabinets and file rooms use password locks, etc.

3. When we entrust a third party to provide you with necessary relevant information, we will sign a confidentiality agreement with the third party to ensure that your relevant information is protected and used only to provide services to you.

4. During your use of our products/Services, your personal information will be retained for the period of time previously set forth in this Policy, in accordance with the retention requirements mandated by law. After the retention period expires, we will delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable law.

5. When you apply for user account log-out, we will complete the verification of your account logout within 15 working days after you submit the application. After the verification is passed, we will delete or anonymize your personal information.

6. If we need to terminate our services or operations, we will notify you 30 days in advance and delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination of our services or operations.

7. The Internet environment is not 100% secure and we will do our best to secure any information you send us. If, due to our fault, physical, technical or management protective facilities are damaged, information is unauthorised access, publicly disclosed, tampered with or destroyed, and your legitimate rights and interests are damaged, we shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.

If you have any questions about the protection of our personal information, please contact our customer service for feedback. If you find that your personal information has been leaked, especially your account and password, please contact our online customer service immediately or via email so that we can take corresponding measures.

III. How do we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

1. Share

In principle, we will not share your personal information with any third party other than XAG except in the following cases:

1.1 With your consent;

1.2 Only by sharing your information can we achieve the core functions of our products/services or provide the services you need;

1.3 To deal with disputes for you in case of your needs;

1.4 Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, if it is necessary to protect us, our affiliates or partners, you or other users or the public interests, property or safety from damage and reasonable rights protection;

1.5 Provided in accordance with relevant agreements signed by you (including online agreements and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

1.6 Where required by applicable laws, regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements, including but not limited to: 1) disclosure to judicial or law enforcement agencies for the purpose of investigation and prevention of crime in the event of suspected criminal activity; 2) disclosure as required by law (or court); 3) Disclosure according to the mandatory requirements of the government; 4) To protect the assets (such as the settlement of overdue accounts), etc. In such cases, we will record the content, time, reason and object of the information disclosure.

1.7 We may share your personal Information with our affiliates. However, we will only share necessary personal information for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. If our Affiliate wishes to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will seek your authorization again.

1.8 We will share your order information, account information and other information with partners and other third parties for the purpose of providing services to you, but we will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only the personal information necessary for providing services. Our partners are not entitled to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.

1.9 For statistical analysis purposes, our products may integrate third-party SDKS or other similar applications. For your information security, we have signed a strict data security confidentiality agreement with the third-party SDK service provider, and these companies will strictly comply with our data privacy and security requirements. We will not share your personally identifiable information with you without your consent. To better understand the types and uses of the data collected by the third-party SDK and protect your personal information, you can learn about the specific permissions and corresponding privacy policies from the attached link [Description of Third-party SDK Partners and Shared Information]. We understand and respect your right to opt out. If you do not want to participate in big data calculation, you can also exercise your opt-out right by using the link between the third-party SDK partner and the sharing information description.

2. Transfer

In principle, we will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except in the following cases:

2.1 Obtain your express consent or authorization in advance;

2.2 In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, legal process requirements, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements necessary to provide;

2.3 Provided in accordance with relevant agreements signed by you (including online agreements and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents;

2.4 In the case of merger, acquisition, asset transfer or similar transaction, if the transfer of personal information is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy; otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again.

3. Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and in accordance with industry standard security measures:

3.1 To disclose the personal information specified by you in the manner expressly agreed by you according to your needs;

3.2 We may publicly disclose your personal Information in accordance with the required type of personal information and the way of disclosure when it is required by laws, regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements. We carefully review all requests to ensure they are valid.

IV. Users' rights

1. To access and correct your personal information, provided that you ensure that the personal information you have corrected is true and effective;

2. If you would like to access or verify information about you, as well as to view our disclosure records, please contact our account managers or dealers. If we are unable to provide the relevant information in certain circumstances, we will promptly inform you of the reason;

3. Delete your personal information

You can contact our online customer service directly or clear or delete your personal information to our email.

You may request the removal of personal information to us in the following circumstances:

(1) If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

(2) If we collect or use your personal Information without your consent;

(3) If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

(4) If we terminate the service and operation.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that receive your personal information from us and require them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise required by law or regulation, or unless such entities have been independently authorized by you. When you delete information from our services, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but will delete such information when backup updates.

4. If you do not want us to share your information with our members, please let us know. In this case, we may not be able to provide you with specific products or services due to the lack of information.

5. In certain circumstances, you have the right to choose to refuse to provide us with certain information, but we may therefore be unable to provide you with certain products, services or information. To protect the interests of both parties, for example, to ensure that your request is complied with and to prove that we have provided you with the required information, we may monitor your phone calls or emails with XAG to ensure the quality of our services.

6. Log out

You can contact our customer service to cancel your XAG account. After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products and/or services to you, and in accordance with your request, we will delete your personal information or anonymize your information, and no longer use any technology except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

After the cancellation of this account, you will be deemed to have abandoned the following interests:

(1) Account information, purchase record, user rights and interests, virtual assets

(2) User card number, verification mobile phone or email login to XAG and related services

(3) Remove the authorization or binding relationship with the third party

You understand and accept that we are unable to assist you to restore the service, will give you logout your account after activist bring inconvenience, please before operation, ensure that your account does not have any dispute, and to all relevant information and data backup account, download and save the good order of goods and services trade documents, bills, such as electronic invoice etc.

V. Protection of minors' personal information

In principle, we do not allow minors to register as users of XAG and operate and use our products/services. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you must obtain the prior written consent of your guardian before using our products and/or services. We will protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, but we will not be responsible for any consequences caused by minors' use of our products/services (whether with or without the consent of a guardian).

VI. Scope of application and exceptions

1. With the exception of certain services, this Privacy Policy applies to all of our products and services. Certain privacy policies will apply to these specific services. Specific privacy policies for specific services will be more specific about how we use your information in those services. The privacy policy for that particular service forms part of this Privacy Policy. In the event of any inconsistency between the Privacy Policy for a particular service and this Privacy Policy, the Privacy Policy for that particular service shall apply.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to:

(1) Information collected from third-party services (including any third-party websites) through our services;

(2) Information collected by other companies or organizations serving advertising in our services.

2. Exceptions apply

(1) Our services may include or link to social media or other services (including websites) provided by third parties. For example, you share certain content to our services through sharing, or you use our products or log in to our services through third-party connection services. These functions may install cookies on your computer so that the above functions can run properly; We provide you with links through advertising or other means of our services to give you access to third party services or websites.

(2) Such third-party social media or other services may be operated by the relevant third party or by us. Your use of such third party's social media services or other services (including any relevant information you provide to such third party) is subject to such third party's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (other than this Privacy Policy, you need to read its terms carefully. This Privacy Policy applies only to the information collected by us and does not apply to the services provided by any third party or the rules governing the use of information by any third party. We shall not be liable for any third party's use of the information provided by you.

VII. Notices and Amendments

1. This Privacy Policy will be updated in light of changes in national laws and regulations and in order to continuously optimize our services. However, we will not voluntarily curtail your rights under this Privacy Policy. We will issue the updated version through our website and mobile terminal and notify you in a significant and effective way (including but not limited to: email, SMS, push, etc.). You are also requested to visit the Privacy Policy to keep abreast of the latest privacy policy. By continuing to use our Services, however presented, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy as amended.

2. We will also provide more significant notifications of major changes such as significant changes in service mode or owner.

VIII. How to contact us

1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions related to this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us by visiting our mobile online customer service system. You may also contact our Personal Information Protection contact person at: 400-990-3131。

2. Normally, we will reply within 15 days. If your handling of our personal information harms your legitimate rights and interests, you can also complain or report to the market supervision, Internet information, telecommunications, public security and other regulatory authorities.

IX. Our service purpose

We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with our products and services. Since the establishment of XAG, to win and maintain your trust has always been our service purpose. We respect and protect the privacy and related information you provide, and we have a professional team responsible for managing the protection of your related information. We will collect, store and use your information in strict accordance with this Privacy Policy. Thank you for your understanding and support.

X. Old versions of Privacy Policy

XAG Privacy Policy (2021/11/01 Version)

XAG Privacy Policy (2022/02/17 Version)

XAG Privacy Policy (2022/03/14 Version)

XAG Privacy Policy (2022/07/25 Version)

* Third party SDK partners and shared information description

SDK name Partner type Third party company name Purpose of use Usage scenario Cooperation mode Shared personal information field Privacy policy link
Wechat SDK Shenzhen Tencent computer system Co., Ltd is one of the largest Internet integrated service providers in China and one of the Internet enterprises with the largest number of service users in China. Shenzhen Tencent computer system Co., Ltd Login, sharing and payment For login, sharing and payment Embed a third-party SDK, which collects and transmits personal information Equipment model, operating system, unique equipment identifier, login IP address, wechat software version number, network access mode, type and status, and network quality data
Gaode map SDK Geographic location information service provider Gaode Software Co., Ltd Location Used to locate equipment Embed a third-party SDK, which collects and transmits personal information Equipment positioning
Aurora SDK Provide stable and efficient message push for developers Shenzhen Hexun Huagu Information Technology Co., Ltd Push message Used to push device messages Embed a third-party SDK, which collects and transmits personal information Message push
Google Maps SDK Geographic location information service provider Google Location Used to locate equipment Embed a third-party SDK, which collects and transmits personal information Equipment positioning

* Personal information collection and use list

Please refer to the following table for the information collected and used by our products / services. The list does not include the permission use of this app, the content of your personal information collected and used by the third-party SDK, or the information shared with the third party. We will explain the corresponding content to you in other ways. This list is only for your convenience to refer to the brief merger instructions provided by us. Please further carefully read the content of Jifei technology privacy policy. We will also fully disclose and remind you when you use our products / services as much as possible.

Order Usage scenario Personal information content Personal information type Purpose of use Collection method
1 Register account、 login Mobile phone number、 password Basic personal information Register as a user of XAG and log in to the XAG xiot-app Provided by users
2 Login/bind third party account Third party account number Third party account information Log in to the XAG xiot-app Provided by users
3 Register account、 login Email Email Bind Email Provided by users
4 When perfecting the account Nickname Nickname Perfect account Provided by users

* App permission list

1.In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of our products/services, we may apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system;

2.In order to protect your right to know, we show the relevant operating system permissions that may be applied for or used by products/services through the following list. You can manage the relevant permissions according to your actual needs;

3.According to the upgrading of products/services, the type and purpose of application and use permission may change. We will adjust the list in time according to these changes to ensure that you know the application and use of permission in time;

4.Please be aware that we may use third-party SDKs for the function and security needs of business and products/services, and these third parties may also apply for or use relevant operating system permissions;

5.When and only when we obtain your authorization and consent, and when you trigger the scene that needs to use the corresponding permission function, we can call the corresponding permission. You can operate and set to turn off the relative permission, but it will not affect your experience of basic app functions;

Order Name Permission function description Usage scenario Purpose of use Operating system
1 Camera Scan QR code Follow devices Follow devices Android/iOS
2 Position Get current mobile location View devices near current location View devices near current location Android/iOS
3 Notice Timely remind and notify of abnormalities Prompt when the devices status is abnormal Prompt when the devices status is abnormal Android/iOS